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Updates of version 1.14

Overview of new developments, optimizations and bug fixes for FUTURA Smart Version 1.14 |

May 2024

📢 New developments, optimizations and bug fixes for version 1.14


Requests for quotation | Start further quotation rounds

From the new version 1.14 onwards, you can start further quotation rounds in FUTURA Smart after a deadline has expired, e.g. to achieve more or improved quotations. Start as many rounds as you like, in which you can make any adjustments to the supplier participation list and the item list if required.

Start new quotation round


Requests for quotation | Revise closed transactions

You can now revise all of your closed transactions. This gives you the opportunity to transfer completed requests to the edit mode (draft) and to use all changing options that you also have when revising ongoing requests. Further information and the procedure can be read here:

Editing/changing a request for quotation


Quotation rounds | Quotations from previous rounds in the request

As soon as your request has ended (submission deadline has been reached) and you start further quotation rounds, the quotations from previous rounds will continue to be available in the quotation list for the use in the price comparison list. A further opening of requests is required for newly received quotations.

For more information, visit the help page:

Quotation opening and price comparison list


Quotation Rounds | Versioning of quotations for suppliers

Each sent quotation is versioned for each new quotation round for the supplier, so that he can be able to relate which quotation was placed in the system on which submission deadline.


Price comparison list | Quotations from quotation rounds in price comparison list

It is now possible for you to compare all quotations in the price comparison list. This is independent of whether the quotations were sent in previous quotation rounds or whether you have made changes to the item list.

Price comparison list and evaluation of quotations


Supplier management | Editing supplier’s master data

In the area of the supplier management, you can now revise the master data of existing suppliers.

Further information and the procedure can be found here:

Edit / delete master data sheet of a supplier


Supplier management | Deleting Entire supplier’s master data

You can now delete entire supplier master data entries if you no longer want them to be included in your address book. This is now also possible if companies to be deleted have already participated in requests in the past or are currently participating.

Further information and the procedure can be found here:

Edit / delete master data sheet of a supplier


Bug fix | Updating the Status of the Requisition Item in SAP

A subsequent addition of purchase requisition items to your item list now leads to them being updated with the appropriate status in SAP.


Bug fix | Duplicated order and contract numbers

The resulting duplication of the order and contract number in copies of quotations from the price comparison list no longer happens.

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