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Tab header data of the free text request (Step 2)

The steps described below are the same in each request type.

As soon as you have created a new request transaction via the button “Create” (see step 1), you will be shown an empty input form for the header data of the request to fill out.


The "Header Data" tab is divided into 4 sections, the fields and functions of which are described below:

Section General

Request number

The transaction automatically receives a request number according to its configured number generator or the field remains empty if your company works without an automatic generator. In the latter case, you should usually enter manually a reference number that has been assigned internally by your company. This can be, for example, the collective number from the SAP system.

If an automatic generator is set up for your organizational unit, it will be automatically inserted into the field when you proceed to the next step, “Items”. In this case, you will see a respective information in the corresponding field:


Fill in the available fields, for example, a meaningful title. The technical and commercial contact persons are displayed to the suppliers in the invitation e-mail, along with other information. If your internal contacts have entered their contact details, such as a phone number in the system, these will also be mentioned in the invitation.

The submission deadline is a mandatory field. Please enter a a date and a time.



Determine which currency is to be used exclusively for the entire transaction. All items you create will then have this currency preselected.



Define the language of the base units as well. The language determines the display of the base units used in the request, which are shown in this form to your suppliers in the item list. Defined base units from the SAP master data of the German language, such as ST (Stück), are automatically translated into the English equivalent PC (Pieces).





Terms and Conditions section


In the "Terms and Conditions" section, you can optionally define the delivery conditions and payment terms for your suppliers.



Settings section

Set the option "Quotation must be fully priced." if you require suppliers to provide a fully priced item list. In this case, the suppliers can only send the quotation if your requested item list has been completely filled out with prices.




If the option "CO2 emission value (kg)" is activated for your RFQ, the supplier can also specify a CO2 value for each item in his quotation. When evaluating the prices in the price comparison list, you will also see and compare the CO2 emission values from the submitted quotations. In a quotation copy, which you create in the price comparison list, these values can still be adjusted afterwards.



The function described below must be activated by FUTURA Solutions. If you would like to use the "Easy Access" function, please let us know via your administrator. You can get more information via the following link: 'Easy Access' for suppliers


The “Easy Access” function is an alternative and faster way for your supplier companies to gain direct access to their account and to RFQs. By using this function in RFQs, newly created suppliers receive a “Magic Link” in the invitation when a RFQ is published. This link forwards them directly to their account with the content of the RFQ. The registration process is skipped this way. The suppliers are given immediate access to the RFQ and can start preparing the quotation right away.

If you do not use this option for your RFQ, the standardized process for newly created suppliers will be applied. In this case, they will be sent a second e-mail containing the link to the registration process for suppliers in addition to the invitation to the RFQ.



The use of the function can be restricted with a specific threshold for your organization. In this case, you will see an additional information next to the option:



Once you have published a RFQ, the option can no longer be set afterwards.


Attachments section

Global documents

In this section, it may be the case that you will already find documents without having uploaded them by yourself. These are global documents, that were automatically attached to the transaction and uploaded before on administrative side. They can have as a mandatory target to displaying them in all published RFQs by your company, specially when theses documents are additionally marked as to be confirmed in terms of content by participating suppliers. You can still take them out of your actual RFQ by deleting them with the trash can button, if they are not needed. It is however recommended that you first clarify this internally before deleting them.




Via the following page, you can find out how global documents are managed in FUTURA Smart. To view this in FUTURA Smart, you will need administrative permissions: Managing global documents


Select and drop files

In the lower area of the header data, you have the option of adding relevant attachments to the request. Use the button Select files to access your PC drive and add files for uploading. You can select and open multiple files from the destination folder or drag and drop them into the upload area.




Maximum size for uploading attachments in RFQs

The maximum total size for uploading attachments is 100 MB per file. However, you can upload several files up to this maximum size. The maximum total size is also set on supplier’s side.

If your file exceeds the total size, you will be informed accordingly.


If your company uses FUTURA Smart with SAP integration, please note that an archiving limit of 100 MB per file is also set by default in SAP.


Declaring attachments as subject to confirmation

In the lower area of the header data, you have the option of adding relevant attachments to the request. Mark documents as subject to confirmation if required. As a result, all participating companies must first confirm these documents first before they can view the full request.





With the button "Next" at the bottom right, you save your data and switch to the next step "Items".



RFQs are created in FUTURA Smart as soon as you switch from the "Header data" to the step "Items" with the button "Next" after maintaining all mandatory fields. No additional saving via a button is needed and the transaction gets the status "In preparation". From then on, these RFQs can be found under the list "In preparation" in the left navigation menu. From here you can open the RFQs and, if necessary, continue to edit them at a later time. In this overview list, RFQs with this status can still be fully deleted by clicking on the trash can button for the desired transaction on the right.

With the Cancel button during the creation process and without having switched to the step "Items" with the button "Next", the transaction is completely deleted.



Click here for step 3:

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