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Adding suppliers to the purchase requisition request (Step 4)

The steps described below are the same in each request type.

You can use the whole FUTURA Smart address book as source, which include as well supplier data entries from SAP for searching and adding suppliers.

Detailed information about the general handling and the maintenance of supplier data in FUTURA Smart an be taken from the following article: Creating new suppliers


Select suppliers for the request for quotation


You can then search for specific suppliers by using the search field "Search suppliers". Use the column options mentioned below as search criteria:


  • BP-No. (Business Partner Number from SAP)

  • Company name

  • Address (parts of the address, e.g. street)

  • E-mail (contact person)



Searching for specific suppliers


You can use the "plus" button on the right side of the list to add suppliers to your request for quotation. The button "Suppliers" displays the number of added suppliers.

You can use the "minus" button to remove suppliers.


Selecting suppliers


By clicking on the "Suppliers" button, you can view a summary of the selected companies. At this point, suppliers can be removed again with the recycle bin button.


List of selected suppliers


On the following page, you can learn how to make a mass import of supplier data:

Import suppliers into FUTURA Smart

To be able to switch to the next tab, at least 1 supplier must be assigned.

Click on the "Next" button at the bottom right to switch to the next tab "Start request for quotation". Find out more on the next page.

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