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Creating new suppliers

Within your request for quotation or via the supplier management, you can create new supplier companies and its first user. To do this directly in a request, go to the "Suppliers" tab in the request for quotation and click on the "Add Supplier" button. Alternatively, you can open the supplier management section on the left menu pane.

In a request:

Button to create a new supplier in a request

Via the supplier management:

Button to create a new supplier via supplier management


You will then be presented with an input window that you can fill in with the information. The Business partner number is essential, otherwise no purchase order and/or contract can be created for this company in SAP.

Dialog box to insert supplier data


Finally, click "Create" and the supplier will be added to the FUTURA Smart address book. From then on, he will be available for you and all your colleagues from your organization. The access data for the supplier will only be sent when the supplier is invited to a request for quotation for the first time.

Please note:

After creating the supplier in a request, the company is directly added to the request for quotation. You can revise this in the supplier shopping cart.

Supplier shopping cart

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