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Verifying and adding items to the purchase requisition request (Step 3)

The "Items" tab shows you the selected purchase requisition items in detail. You can use the plus button to the left of each item to display its details.


Item details


Changes to requisition items


Changes to the content details of the purchase requisition items can only be made in the SAP system from which they were synchronized. The SAP system is therefore always the leading system for this information. This applies to the following fields:

  • Short description

  • Base unit

  • Total price (Automatically calculated from quantity x unit price / price quantity)

  • Plant

  • Material group

  • Description


You can change the quantities of the purchase requisition items that have been retrieved from the SAP system with specified data for your current requirement. Change the quantities for the desired purchase requisition item in the request. You can change the following fields:

  • Quantity (default purchase quantity)

  • Unit price (default calculation price)

  • Price quantity


To do this, click on the pencil button on the right side for the desired purchase requisition item.



Changing quantities of the requisition item



Explanation of the price quantity

The price quantity is independent of the requested quantity of the purchase requisition item. It is used to calculate the final price per purchase requisition item.

Example of how to use the price quantity:

You only have the price per 100 pieces available for an item. The item / article is thus offered in packages. In this case, you can request the price per 100. Therefore, as price quantity, 100 must be entered.

You are therefore requesting your product as a package. There are 100 pieces in a package. The price per package is 200 euros (unit price corresponds to 2 euros).


Deleting Requisition items

In the right area of the listing, you can remove individual purchase requisition items from the item list. To do this, click on the garbage can button.

Adding free text items to the purchase requisition list

In addition to the purchase requisition items from SAP that have already been selected, you can add further items in the form of “free text” to your purchase requisition request.

With this item type, you have the possibility of requesting further requirements, which can be created wholly free.

To do this, click on the button "New item" on the upper right side of the item list.

The details window for creating the free text item will then open.


Button to create a free text item


Here you can enter all information about the free text item:

  • Maintain the short description, the quantity, the base unit and the price quantity (mandatory fields)

  • If necessary, maintain a long description. Enter the text in the "Long text" editor field.

  • Add attachments to your item that are specifically related to it.


The unit price and the total price resulting from the quantity and the price quantity is a calculation price for your evaluation in the price comparison list. It is not displayed to the suppliers when creating the quotation.


Select the option "Create another item" in the lower area of the dialog window, if you plan to create further free text items. After saving (button “Create”), a new dialog window automatically opens for creating another free text item.

If you have finished creating free text items, click on the button "Create". This will take you back to the overview of the item list and you will see your completed free text items.


Create a free text item

With the button "Next" at the bottom right, save your data and switch to the next step "Suppliers".


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