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Deleting items in an ongoing request

In an ongoing request for quotation, you can revise your initially created and published item list at any time up to the submission deadline. In addition to adding items, you can also add attachments, delete items and update already added items. An items update synchronizes the status of the purchase requisition item from the SAP system and thus will load all updated information to the item.

This article explains how to delete purchase requisition items. You can find out how to update items from SAP or to add items on the following pages:

Updating purchase requisition items from SAP

Adding items to an ongoing request


To change the item list in an ongoing request for quotation, click on the "Edit request for quotation" button within any tab.


Button for editing the request for quotation


The request for quotation is then set to edit mode (draft). You can now make your intended changes to the items. To do this, please select the "Items" tab.

On the "Items" tab, please select the respective items and click on the recycle bin button on the right.


Button for deleting positions


Button for releasing the change

Now please click on "Release change" at the top right of the request for quotation. You will be asked whether you wish to release the changes.

Please click on the "Release" button to confirm. This sets the request for quotation back to the ongoing status and the suppliers will be notified of the change in the request for quotation by a system e-mail.


Button for confirming the changes


Please note:

Releasing a change to the item list in an ongoing request for quotation will invalidate all quotations submitted up to that point. An invalid quotation can be revised and resubmitted by the supplier up until the submission deadline.


The following actions take place when a change to the item list is released:

  • The status of quotations that have already been submitted changes from "Submitted" to "Invalid quotation"

  • The displayed processing status of suppliers ("Suppliers" tab) who have already submitted a quotation changes from "Submitted" to "Invalid quotation"

  • The relevant suppliers will be notified by e-mail


Example of an email to the supplier:



Information to a change of a request

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