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Changing the submission deadline

If necessary, you can change the submission deadline. You can take this measure if, for example, you want to give suppliers more time to prepare their quotations.


If all quotations are already available during an ongoing request, you can advance the opening of quotations. The quotations can have the status "Submitted" or "Invalid quotation". If at least one of the suppliers does not have one of the mentioned quotation statuses, it is not possible to open the quotations in ongoing requests. Read more about it on the following page:

Opening quotations


Select your desired request for quotation from the "Requests for quotation - ongoing" list. You can open the request for quotation by clicking anywhere in the line or on the right by using the envelope button.


Selecting / opening the request


You can change the submission date directly in the "Header data" tab that will open. Please click on the pencil button to the right of the submission deadline.


Button for changing the submission deadline


The dialog box opens, where you can set the new deadline.


Change the date

You can either change date and time or just the date...












Changing the time

…or just the time.














Finally, click on the button "Change Submission deadline". All active suppliers will then be notified by e-mail about the new deadline.


Button for changing the submission deadline

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