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Resending a new registration link to suppliers

Provided that you are not using the "Easy Access" function in your RFQ (for more information on this function, see info box below), all newly created and not yet registered suppliers will automatically receive a link by e-mail to officially register as supplier company and user in FUTURA Smart.

The link is always valid for 14 days. With each new publication of a RFQ to which a company that has not yet been registered is invited, the validity is renewed and the link is anew valid for 14 days. If the supplier misses this validity period, the user will see the following dialog in his browser, when clicking on the link:


Message when registration link expires

The message informs the supplier that you, as the commercial contact person for the RFQ, can resend a new registration link. You can do this by using the manual reminder function "Re-invite supplier" in the tab "Suppliers" of the RFQ. Therefore, in case it is a company that has not yet been registered (also recognizable by the status "New" and the missing address in his master data), the contact person will receive the invitation again and a second e-mail separately with the renewed registration link.


The "Easy Access" function is an alternative and faster way for suppliers to gain direct access to the account and the RFQs.

Function on the cover sheet:


You can read more about it via the following link: 'Easy Access' for suppliers

With the start of the RFQs, a "magic link" will be available in the invitation email, which will redirect the supplier contact person directly to the account with the content of the RFQ. The registration process will be skipped this way.

The following links will take you to the help articles of the respective request types:
Setting the option "Easy Access" in a purchase requisition request
Setting the option "Easy Access" in a material request
Setting the option "Easy Access" in a contract request
Setting the option "Easy Access" in a free text request


To the right of the list you will find a button in the form of a bell, which is active for all suppliers who have not yet submitted a quotation. This button is inactive for suppliers who have already submitted a quotation.


Reminder menu



An message is displayed on the top right side indicating that a reminder has been sent to the participant.

Notification that reminder was sent


 The supplier can now register by clicking on the button "To the registration".

Example of an email for the supplier:


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