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Exporting the price comparison list to excel

Price comparison lists that you create in FUTURA Smart can be exported to Excel. For this purpose, you are provided with an Excel file which you can download. The file contains all the information and quotations that you have selected for the price comparison list in FUTURA Smart.

The price comparison list is only available after you complete the procedure of opening quotations. You can find out how to open quotations in FUTURA Smart and what conditions must be met for this purpose in the following article: Opening quotations

You can find out how to evaluate quotations and generate a price comparison list here:

Price comparison and evaluating quotations

The Excel report of the price comparison list covers individual quotations, quotations from several suppliers compared with each other and working copies of quotations that you created online in the price comparison list for the purpose of further editing.

To select the quotations you would like to include in the price comparison list, please select the "Quotations" tab of the request for quotation and tick the boxes on the left side of the relevant quotation(s).


Selecting quotations for the price comparison list

Then click on the button "Open price comparison list" on the right side:


Opening the price comparison list


Changing the layout of a price comparison list

You can choose a vertical or a horizontal layout for the report.

Then please click on the button "Export to Excel".


Button for exporting the price comparison list to excel

Example of an Excel report using the standard view:


Price comparison list in Excel

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