New developments and optimizations for FUTURA Smart version 1.19 | September 2024
📢 New developments and optimizations for version 1.19
Contract Cockpit | New cockpit for contract requests
From this version onwards, you have the new Contract Cockpit at your disposal, which you can use to request contracts. Similar to a purchase requisition or material request, you can synchronize the contract items from your SAP system in FUTURA Smart and add them to the shopping cart.
To the selected contract list, further free text items can be added online in FUTURA Smart if required.
Request for quotation |Manual adjustment of the status
Up to version 1.19, all requests could no longer be used again, when an order or contract was created in SAP, due to the automatically set of the status to "Completed". From this version onwards, you can reset the status manually so that you can use the request again for (e.g.) new quotation rounds, and to create further orders and contracts if necessary. The status is therefore returned to the previous status "Closed".
Substitute regulation | Improvement of searching results
In the drop-down window for the selection of other users to set the substitute regulation, the searching results are now immediately displayed and made selectable. This means that searching and scrolling is no longer necessary.
Suppliers | New list of completed requests
Requests that you set to the status "Completed" (for example, after creating contracts and/or purchase orders) are now also displayed to the supplier in an own and separate list.
Suppliers | Message dispatch before confirmation of documents
If you are using documents which need to be confirmed by the supplier and that only allow them to gain a whole view and access to it after receipt and confirmation of these documents, the suppliers invited to the request can now communicate with you before confirming and, e.g., make questions regarding these documents.
Suppliers | Deletion of quotations
Your suppliers can now delete quotations that have been started by them but not sent. It is also possible to delete quotations in the status "In Progress", if they have not been sent in previous quotation rounds. Therefore, the supplier can display a more structured list of sent quotations in his account.
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