New developments and optimizations for FUTURA Smart version 1.20 | October 2024
📢 New developments and optimizations for version 1.20
Request for quotation | Supplier management in ongoing rfq processes
From this version onwards, you can subsequently change the contact person of an assigned supplier company in the draft mode, if the responsible person changes meanwhile the ongoing process. After releasing the changes and also for subsequent changes to the request, the new contact person will be informed by e-mail.
Error Handling | Notes and error texts in the event of incorrect transactions
FUTURA Smart now displays the complete error description, which is reported back from the SAP system if incorrect or unusable data was used for the transmission. This will help you with care and correction.
Furthermore, hints and error texts have been integrated elsewhere in the applicationand the description has been improved.
Request for quotation | Number of attachments added to quotations
The total number of attached documents (attachments) for each quotation is now displayed in the quotation overview of the rfq.
Automated system mails | Optimizations for email notifications
Text adjustments have been made to the automated system mails that are sent for invitations, reminders, login credentials, etc. to better inform the recipient. In addition, the design has also been revised.
File upload | Increase of file upload volume
The maximum upload volume for individual attachments has been increased to 100 MB. Individual files can be up to 100 megabytes in size for uploading them into requests. This has also been made possible for suppliers.
Contract and Material Cockpit | Description of items
In the Contract Cockpit, the detailed description for contract and material order texts (also known as long text) are now also collected from SAP and shown online for buyers and suppliers.
ECLASS selection list | List for assignment of material groups
The selection list for the ECLASS material groups is now also available in English.
Registration Process | Country selection
The selection list for the assignment of countries when registering as a supplier company has also been adapted and include English country names.
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