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Updates of version 1.18

New developments and optimizations for FUTURA Smart Version 1.18 | August 2024

📢 New developments and optimizations for version 1.18

Communication | Messaging for suppliers

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The messaging function in the request process has been further developed. Your suppliers can now also create and send messages to you. They can also add attachments if required.

The messages are automatically delivered to the commercial contact person for the request for quotation.

For a better overview, the 'Inbox' and 'Sent' sections have been implemented on the message board.

CO2 emission values | Information on CO2 emission values in quotations

The carbon footprint of a product has now become an important parameter in the procurement process.

We are now also taking this into account in FUTURA Smart. When creating a request for quotation, you can request CO2 emission values as an additional criterion. If the “CO2e value” option is activated in your request for quotation, the supplier can specify a CO2 emission value for each item in their quotation.

You can see and compare the CO2 emission values of the submitted quotations in the evaluation function of the price comparison list. You can of course adjust the value in a copy of the quotation that you create in the price comparison list.

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Substitute regulation | Assigning access rights to other users

You can now set up selected users from your company as substitutes in FUTURA Smart and grant them access and editing rights to the transactions you have created. This can be a short-term vacation replacement or a temporary measure to enable access to the transactions within your purchasing team/department.

You can select this setting in the “My account” menu.

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Deleting notes

The function for deleting notes has been restricted. In the future, only administrators and the user who has created the note will be able to delete it.


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