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List of users / User management

You can find the user management button in the top right corner. After clicking on it, you can choose between creating a new user immediately or opening the list of existing users.


Accessing the user management menu

The list of users shows you all users that have already been created within your organization. Here you can view their personal data and change it if necessary.


List of the current users

Search and filter by users



Search for user

In the user management, you can search for specific users. For the search, you can use the information from the column options available below.

Accessing a user profile

Please click on the user icon on the right side to access a user profile:

Button for accessing a user profile

Editing a user profile

This will open the user data of the profile. You can edit the personal data by using the "Edit profile" button:


Button for editing a profile


The master data is then ready for editing. You can make changes and save by clicking on the "Save" button:


Button for saving changes to a user profile

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