First login with newly created account
When the account is newly created, you will receive the following e-mail, in which you can click on "Link to update account":
The link will take you to the following page, on which you can click on "Click here to proceed":
In the next step you will have to set up a password for the user account.
The following password policies must be adhered to:
The password must contain at least 7 characters
The password must contain at least 1 lowercase letter
The password must contain at least 1 special character
The password must contain at least 1 number
The password must not match the last 3 passwords
The password must not be the e-mail address
By clicking on “Back to Application”, you will be redirected to the dashboard (starting page of FUTURA Smart)
From here on, you can always log in with your login data.
To log in to the system, you need the following login data:
E-mail → the e-mail address you registered with
Password → your password